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Working principle of slow wire processing

 Slow wire walking, also called low-speed wire walking, is a kind of CNC machining machine tool that uses continuously moving fine metal wire as an electrode to pulse spark discharge on the workpiece to generate a high temperature of over 6000 degrees, ablate metal and cut into a workpiece. The principle of wire processing is the phenomenon that there is a gap between the wire electrode and the workpiece, and the metal is removed by continuous discharge. Since the slow-moving wire cutting machine adopts the method of wire electrode continuous feeding, that is, the wire electrode is processed during the movement, so even if the wire electrode is worn out, it can be continuously supplemented, so it can improve the machining accuracy of the parts and slow the wire. The surface roughness of the workpiece processed by the cutting machine can usually reach Ra=0.8μm and above, and the roundness error, linear error and dimensional error of the slow-moving wire cutting machine are much better t

Hydrostatic guideway of CNC machining lathe

The static pressure slide rail (TTW guide) of the CNC machining lathe transfers the oil with a certain pressure through the throttle to the oil cavity between the sliding surfaces of the slide rail (TTW guide) to form a pressure oil film to float the moving parts , Make the sliding rail (TTW guide) surface in a pure liquid friction state.   CNC machining General CNC machining usually refers to computer digital control precision machining, CNC machining lathe, CNC machining milling machine, CNC machining c17200   beryllium   copper   and milling machine, etc. The feed route of finishing is basically carried out along the part contour sequence. Therefore, the focus of determining the feed route is to determine the feed route of rough machining and idle stroke. In the numerical control processing, the control system issues instructions to make the tool perform various motions that meet the requirements, and the shape and size of the workpiece are expressed in the form of numbers and lette

Introduction of KOVAR parts

KOVAR parts are commonly used as metal casing materials in the electronic packaging industry. Because they have a linear expansion coefficient close to that of molybdenum group glass, and can produce less sealing stress during the sealing (melting) process with molybdenum group glass, so To obtain good air-tightness, in order to make the metal tube and shell to achieve air-tight sealing, in the entire sealing process, the annealing process undoubtedly plays an important role as a link between the previous and the next. The internal stress generated during KOVAR  machining also prepares the material structure for the implementation of the subsequent process-the sealing process of the metal parts. The main purpose of annealing Kovar shell before sealing is to: (1) Eliminate machining stress. When Kovar undergoes plastic machining deformation during cold working, about 10% to 15% of the applied energy is converted into internal energy, which is commonly referred to as internal stress,

Analysis of Distribution Conditions of Auto Repair Stations

The total demand for auto parts is more than that of diamonds, and the supply exceeds demand. However, the supply of new models, especially the imported car parts, is still insufficient. For example, in recent years, the Jiefang CA10, Yuejin NJ13O, Yellow River JN150, Tuhai SH141 and SH76o sub-series of long-term accessories that have been and will enter the Taowo period have been and will be successively produced in excess of long-term accessories, and there is a large backlog in some parts. However, new medium, light, and heavy trucks, as well as various imported domestic passenger cars, have insufficient supply of maintenance parts. In terms of product quality, there are fewer pure authentic and high-quality brand-name products that can meet the market, so that imported parts and fake and inferior products flood the market, which directly or indirectly reflects the expansion of the contradiction in the demand structure.

Therefore, the market trend of “oversupply” corresponds to “undersupply”. The competition for the accessories market will be fiercer. One is the major automobile groups and car bases, and the industrial production departments have established sales companies in rapid succession to directly supply market maintenance parts. Second, there are many automobile production departments and special repair stations. Dongfeng Motor Company alone has more than 30 repair stations, whose supply accounts for 60 to 70% of Dongfeng repair parts (main factory parts), and the auto parts company can get the share Running out. Third, there are many social auto parts outlets, with more than 70 in Shanghai, 1,012 in Jiangxi Province, 1,700 in Shandong Province, 3670 in Sichuan Province, and 6,452 in the above four provinces and cities. Fourth, large users produce and sell themselves, and even open the market for the third industry. Therefore, the market situation facing auto parts companies is severe. Shanghai local products and real estate models have changed a lot. In recent years, the Shanghai bridge car industry has developed rapidly and achieved remarkable results. However, the structure of real estate auto repair parts is unbalanced, and the varieties of many brand-name and high-quality products have decreased, and the advantages of quality children have gradually weakened. This has affected auto parts companies’ adjustments in drilling sales and the structure of stocks, and has also weakened the advantages of expanding the national market.

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