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Working principle of slow wire processing

 Slow wire walking, also called low-speed wire walking, is a kind of CNC machining machine tool that uses continuously moving fine metal wire as an electrode to pulse spark discharge on the workpiece to generate a high temperature of over 6000 degrees, ablate metal and cut into a workpiece. The principle of wire processing is the phenomenon that there is a gap between the wire electrode and the workpiece, and the metal is removed by continuous discharge. Since the slow-moving wire cutting machine adopts the method of wire electrode continuous feeding, that is, the wire electrode is processed during the movement, so even if the wire electrode is worn out, it can be continuously supplemented, so it can improve the machining accuracy of the parts and slow the wire. The surface roughness of the workpiece processed by the cutting machine can usually reach Ra=0.8μm and above, and the roundness error, linear error and dimensional error of the slow-moving wire cutting machine are much better t

Hydrostatic guideway of CNC machining lathe

The static pressure slide rail (TTW guide) of the CNC machining lathe transfers the oil with a certain pressure through the throttle to the oil cavity between the sliding surfaces of the slide rail (TTW guide) to form a pressure oil film to float the moving parts , Make the sliding rail (TTW guide) surface in a pure liquid friction state.   CNC machining General CNC machining usually refers to computer digital control precision machining, CNC machining lathe, CNC machining milling machine, CNC machining c17200   beryllium   copper   and milling machine, etc. The feed route of finishing is basically carried out along the part contour sequence. Therefore, the focus of determining the feed route is to determine the feed route of rough machining and idle stroke. In the numerical control processing, the control system issues instructions to make the tool perform various motions that meet the requirements, and the shape and size of the workpiece are expressed in the form of numbers and lette

Elimination of Gear Backlash in CNC Machining Feed System

Elimination of Gear Backlash in CNC Machining Feed System   The transmission gear in the feed system of the CNC machining machine tool must eliminate the transmission gap between the meshing gears as much as possible, otherwise the motion will lag behind the command signal after each reversal of the feed system, which will affect the machining accuracy (accuracy) ). There are the following two common methods for CNC machining machine tools to eliminate the transmission gear gap.   1. Rigidity adjustment method   The rigid adjustment method is an adjustment method that cannot be automatically compensated for the tooth side clearance after adjustment. Therefore, the pitch tolerance and tooth thickness of the gear must be strictly controlled, otherwise the flexibility of the transmission will be affected. This adjustment method has a relatively simple structure and a better transmission rigidity.   (1) Eccentric shaft adjustment method   As shown in Figure 610, the gear 1 is mounted on th

Briefly introduce ways to extend the service life of tires


The continuous increase in the cost of using cars is forcing people to not let go of any detail that saves money. Tires are actually a cost-intensive consumable in the process of using the car. 4 tires are worth thousands of dollars. If improper use leads to abnormal wear and tear, it is also a test for the owner’s wallet. How to reduce tire wear and maximize the service life of tires is the knowledge that car owners must master. Good and skilled driving skills can effectively reduce tire wear, extend the service life of tires, and improve driving safety at the same time.

Insufficient or high tire pressure can easily lead to a puncture

“You must inflate the tires on high speeds.” Many riders think that only when you get enough gas to go on high speeds can the car have the “strength” to run at high speeds,” but in fact, this idea is wrong. Dongfeng Fengshen 4S According to the store staff, if the tire pressure is too high, the contact area between the tire and the ground will be reduced. At this time, the pressure on the tire will be relatively increased, and the grip of the tire will be affected. In addition, when the vehicle passes over a ditch or bumpy road, There is not enough space in the tires to absorb vibrations, in addition to affecting the driving stability and riding comfort, it will also cause greater impact on the suspension system, which will also bring harm. When the tire pressure is lower than the standard value, the tires Shoulder wear increases sharply; when the tire pressure is higher than the standard value, the tire contact area decreases and the unit pressure increases, which increases the wear of the middle of the tire tread, and increases the tire rigidity, which increases the dynamic load on the wheels, which is easy Carcass burst occurs. Don't start too fast. Avoid frequent use of brakes and emergency brakes to avoid acceleration of tread wear due to dragging of tires and the ground; when turning, overtaking, passing through intersections, narrow roads, railway crossings and other places , You should master the appropriate speed and pay attention to the road, pedestrians, vehicle dynamics, prepare for braking, reduce frequent braking, avoid emergency braking, thereby reducing tire wear; when facing unavoidable broken glass or other foreign objects, you must Slow down and pass, do not brake suddenly, because the pressure increases due to sudden braking, and glass fragments and foreign objects are more likely to penetrate into the tire.

Check the tread for cracks and beware of punctures when driving at high speeds

“The side of my tire is pierced by glass. Is there any problem running at high speed after repairing the tire?” A car owner asked. According to the staff of the 4S shop, if the side of the tire is injured, the insurance factor will not be guaranteed, because the side of the tire basically has no steel wire, the sidewall is very thin, and it is easy to burst at high speed. Regularly check the tire surface for cracks, deformation and other defects. Tire grooves gradually become shallower due to driving wear. If they are worn flat, they will lose water drainage and anti-skid effects. The performance of the car will be greatly reduced. The seemingly small cracks are a hidden danger of puncture during high-speed driving. Pay attention to promptly remove the small stones in the groove.

Avoid parking the vehicle on roads with thick, sharp or sharp stones.Do not park the vehicle near or in contact with petroleum products, acids and other materials that affect the deterioration of rubber.The driver should not turn the steering wheel after parking, as this operation will accelerate tire wear.The tires are prone to overheating during long-term driving or high-speed driving in summer, and the air pressure increases at the same time.At this time, you should stop to dissipate heat, and it is strictly forbidden to deflate and reduce pressure or splash water to cool down to prevent abnormal aging of the tread rubber.

It's better to keep an eye on the road than regular maintenance.

According to the auto repair staff, when driving on highway maintenance and construction sites, use the method of low speed and slow driving to choose the road surface to avoid excessive impact on the tires, or even stabs or scratches; when driving on uneven roads, you must choose the road surface. , To reduce the collision between the tire and the road, to avoid damage to the parts and tires; secondly, slow down to avoid tire bumps and strong vibration; to pass through muddy sections, choose a firmer, non-slip place to pass, so as to avoid the tires from sinking and staying in place Idling and severe heat generation caused severe cuts and scratches on the tires and sidewalls.

Vehicle turning should be based on the curve conditions and turning radius, and generally slow down appropriately, so as not to accelerate unilateral tire wear due to inertial force and centrifugal force; when vehicles go downhill, the appropriate speed should be controlled according to the size, length and road surface conditions of the vehicle. In this way, emergency braking can be avoided or used less, and tire wear can be reduced; vehicles should be used to taxi safely when they stop and stop at stations during driving.In the maintenance and use of tires, don’t forget the most important tire-the spare tire.The spare tire is equipped by the manufacturer, but it is often forgotten by the car owner and lacks maintenance.It is recommended that the owner check the spare tire regularly every 3 months and inflate it if necessary, so as not to discover that it is flat when it is needed.

The automotive parts and parts machining, PTJ Shop offers the highest degree of OEM service with a basis of 10+ years experience serving the automotive industry. Our automotive precision shop and experts deliver confidence. We have perfected the art of producing large component volumes with complete JIT reliability, backed by the quality and long-term reliability our customers expect.

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