Precautions regarding CNC machined ultra-precision copper electrodes
Many would say that when it comes to ultra-precision electrode machining, it’s very simple. Machines are often bought, tools are used correctly, materials are used well, machining techniques are sophisticated, lower knives are used less, and feed rates are slower. Ultra-precision electrode machining is absolutely not that simple, there are more requirements, and there are more things to watch out for. Share a practical analysis of PTJ Cnc Machining plant. Ultra-precision electrode programming considerations and machining requirements, we hope everyone will like it!
- 1. Each part of the electrode must be fully engraved with the model number, part number, plate number, gap, position number, and manufacturer.Example 1: 1202B39C51-103A -0.05mm JLS (small fixture);Example 2: 1202B39C51-104C -0.05mm E JLS (Large jig)
- 2. Electrode copper material must be machined according to the requirements of the list and NC machining program. (Red copper / alloy copper is clearly visible and alloy copper is sprayed with blue paint)
3. Processing quantity, version number, and copper / alloy copper confirmation are included in the processing list. - 4, each part of electrode machining must depend on whether more spark space is needed for the program list note bar provided by the customer. An additional 0.02 / S spark position is required for the entire adhesive position using the “SPI” letter on the program sheet.
- 5. There is no spark position on the Z axis. The requirement for ultra-precision electrodes is that the base surface follow the spark position. The spark level at the datum level is -0.10 / S or -0.05 / S in the spark gap of the machining list. No need to add sparks to the program sheet.
- 6, programmers need to be careful. Each electrode of the ultra-precision electrode requires a three-dimensional measurement. When creating the tool path, it is necessary to consider that the treated electrode has no or minimal burrs and that the number of burrs is accurate. Reasonable tools should be selected according to the different shape of each electrode and deburring tool paths should be added when needed.
- 7.ultra-precision electrodes require three-dimensional measurement. Since quality needs to be tested with the actual size of the processed 3D drawing, the programmer should place a 3D offset in the “CS” folder for testing depending on the spark position of each electrode during programming. And the electrode 3D should be marked with a spark. Also, the layer must specify the spark position and the original “YS”, and the original file must be saved to the file for inspection.
- 8. Ultra-precision electrodes have dimensional tolerances of 0.01 and 0.02. To ensure tool loss tolerance, flat bottom knives are placed at 0.007, round nose knives are placed at 0.008, and ball cutters are placed at 0.008.
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