Car glass cleaning is very important in rainy weather
The cleaning of car windows is not only an issue of appearance, but also a necessity in terms of safety. Especially on rainy nights, the dazzling oil film will affect the field of vision and must be removed immediately. If it is slightly dirty, you can wipe it with a towel and car without using a car body cleaner. You can wipe it off immediately or remove the oil film. After the dirt is completely removed, apply a protective agent, which can make the oil film difficult to adhere.
1. Dirty car windows threaten safety. When driving at night on rainy days, the wiper wiped off and the residual oil film is dazzling, which greatly affects the vision.
2. Thoroughly clean the windows of the car, the vision is immediately clear, and it is easier and safer to drive at night.
3. If the oil film attached to the glass is difficult to remove by ordinary methods, use a chemical synthetic agent for removing the oil film to wipe it.
4. Not only the outside, but also the interior of the glass must be wiped. The insulation line must be wiped horizontally. If it is wiped vertically, the insulation line may be broken.
5. A car window protectant that can effectively prevent dirt and oil film from adhering to the glass surface. But before use, you must clean the car windows, otherwise it will be difficult to have an effect.
6. After the protective agent dries, it will turn white just like waxing. Just wipe it off with a soft cloth.
7. After the protective agent is applied, the water will roll off in granular form. If the rain is not heavy, you don’t even need to activate the wiper.
8. There are also protective agents added to the water tank. Just clean the windshield before use, otherwise the effect will not be good.
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